Coleccionismo e Paixões, Lda

Coleccionismo e Paixoes,Lda

We are a company dedicated to collection articles that are active a lot of time in internet selling. We are present in most important internet selling channels every with 100% feedback. We are dedicated in New and 2nd hand watches of many prestigious brands and Pens in particular Fountain Pens of most important brands too. We are present in our physical store in hearth of Lisbon, in one of the most prestigious Hotel of city.

All items present our chrono.24 webstore are in our stock and available immediatelly. We trying showing in photos all of important aspect of watches and show of rigorous form condition of them. Price present are in our best offer but you can make ever your offer but directly in our store.

Please if you have any doubt in our description our any watche, please contact us by email or by phone: +351933609456

Thanks a lot for your interest in our watches and for your visit in our chrono.24 webstore. Altough be new´s in chrono.24 we already sell in ebay a lot of years with 100% feedback in all of our sell´s. Please turn on us in your favorite sellers.


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Informationen zur Online-Streitbeilegung

Die EU-Kommission hat eine Internetplattform zur Online-Beilegung von Streitigkeiten (sog. "OS-Plattform") geschaffen. Die OS-Plattform dient als Anlaufstelle zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten betreffend vertragliche Verpflichtungen, die aus Online-Kaufverträgen erwachsen. Der Kunde kann die OS-Plattform unter dem folgenden Link erreichen: